
Showing posts from May, 2020

Money circulation in Corona epidemic

D on’t stop it ! Let the cash flow by giving payment, by donating money, or by distributing among people who need it most to survive, to keep alive him and his that our economy keep running ! Dear friends we all know ongoing economical situation during corona epidemic. Poor does not have money to survive their basic need. Unemployment problem is standing. Workers are not getting salary. Many companies decreasing 20 to 40 percent of their employer’s salary. We are going through a big recession time. Money is not in circulation due to lack of liquidity. If Government will not find solution soon then, In this case many problems can arise, like unemployment, poverty, crime. Now what is the solution so that economic situation remain become in balance. Solution is not so difficult as it is made. Solution is not so difficult as if it is looked. Here we have to understand money is available more than enough with somebody and money is available with enough with somebody but mon...

How to earn money?

W hat you are is not so important but what you sell and how you sell is very important in money earning process. Money ! How to earn? M oney earning is a process, is a secret, open secret, everybody, everyday we see surrounding us but we ignore and that is why we become very  focus on this open secre t . B efore going this question let us focus on some important aspect here which are, Who does not want to earn money? Does anybody could we found who does not want money. Whether you have enough, more than enough or not or less but you has to earn. And what would be bad in it. Now think, why we need to earn money?  We have to earn money because to fulfill our basic need to be alive and except it, our much necessity and for emergency need. This is a simple answer which all of us know in our everyday life. It will be a big subject to explaining about money, so simple understand that money is the important part of our social life mechanism as well...